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Let’s AMP UP the Energy

Let’s AMP UP the Energy

It’s May! Can’t you just feel all the subtle shifts happening around as we head into this new month? Mother Nature seems to be waking up, summer’s on the way, even the air smells “new.”

May has always been a favorite month of mine, and for me the word that captures it is ENERGY!

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Ask yourself where your energy level is as we welcome this new season. Are you smiling inside? Do you feel warmth from within? Are you well rested and inspired? If so, don’t ignore that feeling … tap into it! Share it with others! Always capitalize on high energy and inspiration.

And if you are feeling a little lukewarm and not so inspired, maybe we need to just dig a little deeper for that energy. Because it’s there! I promise.

Here are a few ways to refresh your verve and tap into May’s ENERGY…


Did you know that in a typical lifetime, we take roughly a half a billion breaths? Breathing is your foundation, and it’s also the easiest and fastest way to move and shift your energy. A few rounds of intentional breathing can act as a great reset. Here are a few different techniques from the Himalayan Yoga Institute. Play around and see what works for you.

Say Something Nice

A few words of kindness can shift everyone’s energy. When I’m in a situation with people and feel my energy is “off,” I make eye contact with someone and then pay them a compliment. Maybe it’s on a great pair of shoes, or a cute bag, or a terrific haircut. Odds are you’ll get a warm smile of gratitude in return, and it can spark a fun and easy conversation to swing the mood.

Play Music

Everyone who knows me knows I use music to set the mood, shift the mood, lighten the mood, enhance the mood …the list goes on. Make a list of the ten songs that – no matter what – always make you want to move. When you need a pick-me-up, play a song or two, or all ten. Absorb that energy into your being!

Sing Out Loud

One of the best ways to open your throat chakra (90+% of people are blocked here in some way) is to sing! Isn’t that awesome? Because it’s also easy and fun! Turn up the music in your house or car and just sing. Belt it out in the shower. If you feel funny doing it, do it anyway. Laughing at yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone is a good thing – and yet another way to shift your energy.

Go Outside

Step outside and notice all the shifts. Take in the sounds, smells, feels for a few moments. Or, if you are lucky to have some time on your hands, take a walk or sit outside and just be. Nature sets us back on course. Just let it happen.


If your lack of shifting energy is more intense, consider the fact that you may have something to admit to yourself. Is your energy blocked by something you are holding in? Are you in a stale or blocked place in your career? Are you frustrated with something in your daily routine? Is there something or someone holding that energy back? Be honest with yourself. The sooner you can identify an issue the quicker you can do something to address it and move on.

So let’s focus on finding that energy, and really amping it up this month. Let’s fully notice the energy going on around us. Let’s grab it and share it with each other. Let’s Bring on the month and bring on the ENERGY!

xx Andrea

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